The Marshall Fire Superior, CO
The Marshall Fire was a tragic and horrific event that brought unprecedented destruction to the Superior, Louisville, and Boulder County areas. Over 900 homes were lost and 100 homes damaged.
These towns will rebuild for years to bring back the amazing communities that existed prior to this event, and with that, a large amount of building permit approvals will be needed. Many homeowners will be facing the challenge of rebuilding a home after a fire. And with so many homeowners being forced into the building permit process, it's good to get a reminder of the process through the Town of Superior’s current Plot Plan process. It's also worth highlighting that this process may change due to the sheer volume of new permits likely to be submitted in the first few months of 2022.

Superior Plot Plan
By standards at the time of this blog (1/4/22), each new single-family home building permit in Superior requires a Plot Plan and Elevations. These requirements can be outlined in a checklist at the bottom of the article.
Land Surveyor
Prior to getting into the plot plan requirements, each property will need to order a Land Survey prepared by a licensed Land Surveyor. This survey should include boundary, on-site improvements, adjacent public improvements, topography, and all utilities adjacent to the property including water/sanitary/gas/electric.
Civil Engineer and Plot Plan
Once the survey is provided to the civil engineer, they will provide a Plot plan including the following requirements per Town of Superior:
Stamped/Signed by a Licensed Professional
Plot Plan showing the following:
Legal Description/Property Address
Property Boundary including Bearings/Distances
Easements (if applicable)
Setbacks and Building Separations
Building Envelopes
Location of Driveway and slope
Utilities including Water/Sanitary services and meter/cleanout locations
Square Footage of Lot
Building Height
Existing/Proposed Topography
Top of Foundation (FFE) Elevation
Garage/Walkout Elevations
Top of Window Well Elevations
Back of Curb/Sidewalk
Meet minimum grading/slope standards adjacent to the foundation wall
Any sidewalk chases necessary to ensure no drainage is directed over sidewalks
Architectural Elevations
Additionally, an architect will need to provide Building Elevations including all sides of the structure, materials, roof design, building height, sections, all mechanical equipment, and locations of doors/windows.
Build Your Team to Rebuild Your Home
Rebuilding a home after a fire is a large task and you will need to gather capable companies to build a team that will help you navigate the process. Your design team should include an architect, land surveyor, and civil engineer.
If you are in need of a civil engineer, please feel free to reach out to our team, and if you were impacted by the Marshall Fire, we are always open to compassionate pricing/timing in events that impact our community.